Tuesday, 10 January 2017

the beatings of heart



Why world is so cruel I think at times….why people who just wish to have a simple lives just don’t get it. We complicate our own plans and we end up suffering always. Problem is we trust too much and we depend too much. Very young I had heard of a quote “No man is an island”. What a crap. We all are islands today and problem is when a boat comes on our beach we get excited. We let the person to play in our sands of heart and then the same person after a while get on his boat and sail away. What is left behind is the footprints of that person on our sands in our heart.


I am tired and I wish to give up.


But then I will not that’s my problem. I will just stand up and erase all the footprints of every person who had come to my shore and went away. Past must be erased. But the sands remain witness to those feet’s which walked over it. Sometimes I do wonder about how things might have turned out if that person had stayed on my beach. How the sunset would have looked and how we could have witnessed stars on clear night lying on our backs on sand. How the home would have been on my island where we could have started a new life together. But then, have to move on for my own sanity.


One thing I have learned that no matter of time which has went away, no matter of pains which have followed, no matter if even after so long still things haven’t worked out; my life will keep on moving. The waves will keep hitting my beach with new hopes and desires. I will keep my fire up at night and day to signal for new boats. I will keep walking on my beaches holding the hand of person who had courage to land and walk along with me.


Things I can’t give up is hopes…dreams…affections…feelings…love.




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